Men’s Retreat
There's been discussion about men needing a retreat to find their masculinity. These require one to pay $10,000 and you get to cry in a pool of water with other like minded men. Now, we're not saying guys can't cry. We do have an idea on how our Whiskey Hell Men's Retreat would be. Liberals lost their minds this week due to Biden crapping the bed in his debate last week and a Supreme Court judgment ruling on Presidential Immunity. We discuss the clarifications and also the 2025 Agenda fallacy floating about. Much more and some great craft beer.
Come check it out.
Think Critically
Act Accordingly.
New Champion Added to the Hall
Is Biden out or is he in?
Will he get knocked off?
Jill is in Charge
Kamalalala is now trending
Big Mike Says he won’t run
G Edward Griffin
Socialist England
Democrats Continue to be Required Citizenship for voting